The COVID-19 global pandemic is a serious threat to our health system. Taking care of critically ill patients is a worldwide priority. By temporarily stopping elective procedures, we can devote critical personal protective equipment (PPE), medicines, ventilators and cleaning supplies needed to treat these patients. There is a worldwide shortage of these supplies. Also operating on an infected but not yet symptomatic person increases the risk of complications for the patient or exposing the surgical team to the illness. The York Plastic Surgery Centre will always put the safety of our patients, staff and community first.

At our clinic, we have responded to the call of our local hospital for PPE by donating already 1000 gloves, 150 masks, and 100 gowns to our local hospital. Anyone that has PPE (ie: spas, dentists, and out of hospital clinics) is encouraged to support their community by making a donation of this essential equipment to protect front line health care professionals.

Also, we have registered our OR ventilator with the Ontario Ministry of Health if there is a shortage at our local hospital. A ventilator can assist a critically ill patient with breathing until they recover from the coronavirus infection.

We truly appreciate all of our patients who have been incredibly understanding as we navigate this difficult time. Everyone has been gracious and supportive. Thank you.